Who we are
Horizon has a rich history of Spirit empowered ministry that began in 1956 in Surrey and has had ongoing impact throughout the world. We continue to build upon the rich heritage that God has given us to see the transformation of hearts, homes, and regions through the freedom and purpose found in Jesus.
Where we’ve been
Horizon Church was started as “Whalley Revival Tabernacle” in 1955 by Violet Kiteley as a church plant out of Glad Tidings church in Vancouver. Through the years the name and location changed a few times and we eventually ended up at our current location in Surrey in 1978.
At that time, the church was called Bible Fellowship and had a Christian School and a Bible College as ministries of the church. Craig & Shanda Millar became our lead Pastors in the Fall of 2014 and changed the name to Horizon Church a short while later. The church has always had a strong emphasis on worship, the word and the power and moving of Holy Spirit. Seeing lives impacted, changed, healed and released to make a difference in the world locally, regionally and globally.
Where we’re headed.
We see a church having a transformational effect through loving Metro Vancouver in acts of service. We see a church having a vision for our nation by both planting, and partnering with others to plant, life giving churches across our province and nation. We see a church with a global impact through partnering with local churches in leadership, education, community impact projects, advocating for the disabled, and empowering widows and orphans.