Love our City is an all encompassing banner of the acts of kindness and good deeds we do for our community. We love our city by providing food hampers, serving our inner city elementary school, giving gifts to children at Christmas time, supporting and partnering with NightShift Ministries and City Dream Centre, doing group prison visitations, as well as hosting Night To Shine - a prom night sponsored by the Tim Tebow Foundation.
Statistics in Canada show that approximately 641 people are diagnosed with some form of cancer EVERY DAY. Anyone who has gone through a cancer diagnosis/treatment knows that it can be a challenge both mentally and physically. Pearls of Hope (POH) was started in 2015 at the Pearl Church in Denver, CO. ‘Hope Bags’ are distributed free of charge to minister to those going through cancer treatment. Each bag contains practical, comfort items such as a blanket, socks, a hat, snacks, lotions, tea, mug for tea, etc. All of these items are then placed in a custom made back-pack to allow for easy transportation by the patient. In 2021 we launched Pearls of Hope Canada at Horizon Church and made a commitment to send out our first 50 bags.
Pearls of Hope Canada
We have been partnering with CDC in multiple different ways. They have used our campus facilities to prepare and distribute over 600,000 meals to families in Surrey. We are thrilled to be able to partner with them and to share the amazing resources we have here at Horizon Church.
City Dream Center
Night to Shine is a one of a kind event for individuals with needs. It is a free event sponsored by the Tim Tebow Foundation and the purpose of the event is to change the narrative on how people with needs are viewed and to celebrate the value of life. This is one night where we get to show our guests how much they are valued and loved with no strings attached and truly offer these families a night they will never forget!
Night to Shine
Our Adopt-A-School program is an amazing opportunity for us to get to know our community better and to help support an inner-city school with whatever they need. We love working with Georges Vanier Elementary and doing what we can to help the staff, students and families there.
Adopt a School
Horizon has been involved with NightShift Street Ministries since the very beginning in 2004 when Horizon Church member, Mary Anne Connor started serving soup and sandwiches to those in need. The Senior Pastor at the time, Steve Witmer, was an integral part of getting it off the ground and functioning. Under Mary Anne Connors visionary leadership, Nightshift has grown tremendously over the years and is a vital Christian ministry helping the needy! Horizon sends food, and a volunteer team, to minister and share God’s love each week on the streets of our city.