Historically we have been involved in global missions for over 40 years. Working together with our partners to see orphans and widows supported, financially supporting rural pastors so they can extend the gospel message to un-reached areas, and supporting outreach and education for the disabled.
Globally we see this realized through our partnerships in each nation with local churches, organizations and individuals.
Over the last 30 years an orphanage, Christian school, rural pastors program and a national nurses training college have been established. Many lives have been impacted with the gospel message as practical needs have been met through years of generous support from Horizon Church.
Over 40 years ago Pastor Ambrose and Lynda Anyawu returned from Bible College to Nigeria to answer the call to full time ministry. The immediate need was for someone to care for babies that were being left to die as either the mother died in childbirth or families just weren’t able to afford another child. While Pastor Ambrose began to build a church Lynda began caring for these abandoned babies.
Our partners in Uganda are the Mugwanya family and their team at Fathers Heart Mobility Ministry (FHMM). In 2006 FHMM was officially launched by Francis and Adrienne Mugwanya. Their goal is to see mobility, education, advocacy, and awareness brought to every district in the nation of Uganda.
Around 20 years ago two ladies from Horizon church, Diana Kineshanko and Coby Van Dam travelled to Kenya as missionaries to support Nancy Odwuro who had attended our Bible College in the past. Horizon church has raised funds to purchase goats and cows for the widows. They now sell the milk and fertilizer from the animals and it not only feeds their families but provides income as well. The widows now gather and support one another through this ministry.
In 2021 we began a new partnership with the “National Christian Foundation” (NCF) locally and “Free in Jesus Christ Church Association” (FJCCA), a national Thai movement working between denominations to help plant churches in Thailand. We are excited to partner with FJCCA and NCF to help them reach the goal of seeing the nation of Thailand radically changed by planting churches in every region.
Overseas Gospel Mission (OGM) was started over 40 years ago at Horizon Church. It began primarily in Nigeria and has since spread to many other countries in Africa. This has been a very special partnership with volunteers from Horizon Church and students overseas. Many people are still in contact with previous students to this day as friendships were formed through the writing of letters and marking of exams.
If you would like more information on volunteering with this ministry you can email ogmcanada@gmail.com