Adopt A School
“Our Adopt-A-School program is an amazing opportunity for us to get to know our community better and to help support an inner-city school with whatever they need. I love working with Georges Vanier Elementary and doing what we can to help the staff, students and families there.
Every year around Christmas time, we, as a church, pack and wrap about 600 gift boxes and go to Georges Vanier to distribute them to every single student there! This way we make sure that every kid gets a present to open on Christmas Day!
We also put on an event called “Gym Blast” every year in September where we bring in a team to play games with the students and give teachers some time to organize classes for the new school year.
At Christmas we provide hampers for families in need which gives them enough food for the holidays and a full Christmas dinner. We do something similar right before the summer break and provide food and meals to help families get through the summer without having a lunch program through the school.
We do many other things throughout the year with the school such as providing busses for field trips, volunteer support for events, bringing the staff a coffee and donut pick-me-up, gift cards for families who need help to buy enough groceries, and anything else we are able to do!"
- Carley Seward (Kids Pastor)