Are You Too Busy to Be Who God Called You to Be?

In a world that glorifies hustle, where schedules are packed and distractions pull in every direction, it’s easy to lose sight of what truly matters. The pressure to keep up, to achieve, to measure up—it can be overwhelming. But what if the very thing we think we need—more time, more accomplishments, more productivity—is actually keeping us from what we were created for?

Jesus offers something radically different. He invites us into rest. Not just physical rest, but soul-deep, identity-anchoring rest that transforms how we live. In Luke 10:38-42, we find two sisters, Martha and Mary, responding to Jesus in two very different ways. One was distracted by doing; the other was devoted to being. And in His wisdom, Jesus shows us what is truly necessary.

The Struggle of Busyness

Many of us can relate to Martha. She was caught in the whirlwind of cultural expectations, anxious about getting everything right. In her mind, serving Jesus meant moving, working, and doing. Her heart was in the right place, but she was missing something essential—Jesus Himself.

Today, we wear busyness like a badge of honor. We equate significance with a full calendar and success with how much we can accomplish. We tell ourselves, If I can just get everything done, then I’ll be at peace. But it never works that way. Instead, we find ourselves exhausted, anxious, and disconnected from the very One who gives us true life.

The enemy thrives on distraction. If he can’t make us fall, he’ll make us frantic. If he can’t lead us into rebellion, he’ll keep us restless. Because a restless heart is a vulnerable one—too tired to pray, too distracted to listen, too busy to simply be with Jesus.

The Power of Resting in Jesus

Mary chose differently. She sat at Jesus’ feet, fully present, fully aware that nothing else mattered more than being with Him. And Jesus affirmed her choice: “Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.” (Luke 10:42)

Resting in Jesus isn’t about doing nothing—it’s about doing the one thing that truly matters. It’s a choice to push back against the cultural tide of busyness and root our identity in Christ alone. This kind of rest isn’t passive; it’s an act of rebellion against a world that says our worth is in what we do instead of who we are in Him.

When we slow down and prioritize time with Jesus, we:

  • Remember who we are – Our identity isn’t in our achievements but in Christ’s finished work on the cross.

  • Realign our priorities – We stop chasing what the world says is necessary and hold fast to what God says is essential.

  • Receive strength for the journey – True fruitfulness comes from abiding in Him, not from striving in our own strength.

A Call to Choose the Better Portion

Jesus invites us to something better—to trade exhaustion for peace, striving for trust, distraction for devotion. But it’s a choice. We won’t stumble into rest; we must fight for it. The world will always demand more of us, but we have the power to say, No. I choose Jesus.

What if you scheduled time with God before everything else? What if you made space in your life—not just for prayer, but for listening? What if you trusted that Jesus is enough, and that sitting at His feet will always be the most productive thing you could do?

Jesus is calling. The question is: Will we slow down long enough to listen?

  1. In what ways do you personally experience the struggle of busyness in your daily life? How does it impact your relationship with Jesus?

  2. Jesus affirmed Mary for sitting at His feet and being present with Him. What are some practical ways you can prioritize time with Jesus in your own life?

  3. The blog mentions that the enemy thrives on distraction. What are some distractions in your life that pull you away from resting in Christ? How can you overcome them?

  4. How do cultural expectations influence your sense of identity and worth? How does resting in Jesus reshape your perspective on success and significance?

  5. Jesus calls us to “choose the better portion.” What specific steps can you take this week to shift from striving to abiding in Christ?


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