Weekly Content
Are You Ready to Break Free from Comparison?
Have you ever wondered if there's more to life than the struggles and habits that seem to hold you back? Maybe you feel like you're in a constant battle with comparison, jealousy, or other less-than-ideal emotions, and you're beginning to question if there's a way out.
What Does it Mean to Live a Life of Purpose and Praise?
Do you ever stop and wonder why God chose to save you? Is it just so you could get saved and go about your life, or is there a greater purpose behind it all? Today, I’m excited to tell you the beautiful truth that we were made for more than just surviving - we were made to bring forth praise to Jesus.
How Do I Get Right With God?
In a world where we often struggle with the weight of sin and the feeling of guilt, there is a light that offers hope and renewal. This light is found in surrendering our lives to Jesus Christ.
Your Story in God's Story
Are you a compelling storyteller with the ability to draw people in with your personal experiences? Do you have a knack for building relationships and connecting with others? If so, you may resonate with Matthew 9, where Matthew, a Christ follower, invited all his friends - tax collectors and sinners - to a dinner party with Jesus. He used his social connections to create a space for people to encounter Jesus.
Embracing Ordinary Mission
In a world where the idea of mission work may conjure up images of traveling to distant lands and converting people to Christianity, it may come as a surprise to realize that the concept of mission is found in the everyday, mundane aspects of life.
5 Practical Steps for Living a Missional Life
Living a life of mission is about more than just preaching the gospel with words. It's about embodying the message of love, compassion, and authenticity in our everyday actions. As believers, we are constantly being watched by those around us, and our actions often speak louder than our words.
Stories of Faith
In our journey of faith, we are often reminded of the importance of sharing our stories and being present in the lives of others. As believers, we are called to be vessels of God's love, grace, and truth in the world around us. The power of our own personal testimonies can deeply impact those who are seeking hope, purpose, and transformation. But how do we effectively share our stories and be present in the lives of others in a way that reflects the humility and love of Jesus Christ?
Embracing My Role in God’s Plan
In a world where we each have a unique role to play, it's important to consider how we can contribute to the greater mission that God has for us. Often, we may feel insignificant or unsure of how we can make an impact, but the truth is that God calls us to work together, each doing our part.
A Home in His Presence
The word "dwell" in Hebrew is "Yashap," which means to sit down and stay, to remain, or to abide. When we say, "I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever," we are expressing our desire to make God's presence our permanent home.
Finding True Rest in Jesus
In today's fast-paced world, the concept of rest seems elusive. We work tirelessly, strive to meet deadlines, and constantly juggle tasks. However, when we talk about rest, is it simply about relaxation and taking a break from our busy schedules?
The Everlasting Promise
Psalm 23 has long been a source of solace and inspiration for believers, offering a profound glimpse into the intimate relationship between the Shepherd and His flock. Verse 6, in particular, resonates as a powerful declaration of faith, encapsulating the unwavering assurance that accompanies a life surrendered to the care of Christ.
Surely Goodness and Mercy Shall Follow Me
In times of trial and tribulation, it is crucial to remember that our pursuit of Jesus should surpass all challenges that come our way. This sentiment is beautifully encapsulated in the words of David, a man after God's own heart, in Psalm 23.
What Does ‘Surely’ Mean?
In a world filled with uncertainty, skepticism has become almost second nature to many of us. But when it comes to the goodness and mercy of God, there is no room for doubt.
The Hospitality of the Shepherd
In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, we often find ourselves longing for rest and a sense of inner peace. It is in these moments that the timeless words of Psalms 23 ring true, "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures.”
Finding Hope In The Valley
In life, we often find ourselves in the challenging seasons of the valley, facing financial struggles, broken relationships, and personal battles. It's during these times that we may feel alone, abandoned, and lost. However, the truth is that we are not alone.
Where Can I Find Rest?
As we journey through life, we often find ourselves caught in the hustle and bustle of our daily routines, feeling weary and longing for rest. We live in a society where the constant pursuit of success, material possessions, and fulfillment leaves us exhausted and longing for something more.
Psalm 23 and a New Way of Living
In today's culture, consumerism and the desire to accumulate material wealth have become the norm. We often find ourselves caught up in the cycle of thinking that our wants are needs and that we deserve everything we desire.
The Power of Persistence in Faith
In our walk with Jesus, it is essential to cultivate a deep and personal relationship with Him. John talks about the importance of abiding with Jesus, spending time to understand His strategy, word, and will for our lives.
From Improbable to Reality
In life, we often encounter situations that seem improbable at best, and impossible at worst. We face challenges, setbacks, and obstacles that can feel insurmountable.
The Beauty of Waiting
As believers, we are often faced with the challenge of waiting for God's promises to be fulfilled in our lives. This waiting period can be incredibly testing, and at times, it may feel like we are stagnating or even moving backward.